Which Group do you fall in? 40% or 60%

Are you part of the 60% of people with IBS who are feeling unwell but not seeking help? 

Only 40% of people with IBS seek help to manage their symptoms! As a healthcare professional, I've heard many reasons for not seeking help, including difficulty getting appointments, lack of time, and thinking that symptoms are normal. But feeling unwell and having tummy issues is not normal! 

To help yourself and your doctor track your symptoms, start by identifying what's normal for you. Then, track when you experience severe constipation, bloating, diarrhea, acid reflux, gas, mucus or blood in stool, or a change in the color of your stool. Make note of anything that might have triggered these symptoms and what you did to feel better. 

Use an app to help you track your symptoms and share it with your doctor. After a month, you may be surprised by how often certain symptoms occur. This information can help your doctor pinpoint a diagnosis and develop a plan to manage your IBS. 

As a health coach specializing in gut health and IBS, I help people develop their plan to feel better once diagnosed. Take control of your gut health and seek help if you're experiencing IBS symptoms. Let's raise awareness and prioritize gut health! #ibsawareness #guthealth #guthealthmatters #ibscoach #guthealthiseverything #thischicksibsjourney #holistic #bloat #constipation #diarrhea


May is for Movement


Talk About it -IBS