Talk About it -IBS

Talking about it! Talking about IBS! How does it make you feel?  I am sharing the story of the moment in hospital waiting room before my endoscopy/colonoscopy and how alone and frightened I felt.  What lead to this moment was rock bottom of weight loss, severe bloating, hardly any 💩, no sleep poor eating.  I did not talk about my IBS for many years and now I am openly talking to many! It is important to share how you feel, what you feel and why you can’t participate in things. Important to share how foods make you feel. April is IBS AWARENESS MONTH. It is an opportunity to learn more about IBS by people who themselves have IBS and those who have family or friends with IBS. Most importantly it is about understanding how that person feels.  Did you know that most people with IBS feel invisible? 🫥. It’s ok to ask questions to understand and to support.  Let’s talk about IBS!  

My name is Marica and lifelong IBS person, who is doing great, a coach in IBS and a pharmacist.  I am here to help you manage your IBS and get on track feeling great! Living life.

#lbs #ibsawareness #guthealth #ibscoach #healthygut #diarrhea #constipation #thischicksibsjourney


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March Review All Things IBS