May is for Movement

May is for movement! Yes even with IBS.

Mild to moderate exercise has been shown to support your gut health and positively influence the composition of the microbiome.

Get moving and making it sustainable is key. If you don’t exercise regularly it may seem daunting to get going.  I truly understand how life can impact our ability to exercise. 

As someone who was not athletic nor exercised regularly and has had many life changes that impacted my routine I understand the challenge.

As a health and wellness coach in the space of guts health with a focus on IBS, I now how important it is to get moving and make it part of a regular routine. 

Make it a priority, be intentional, find something that you love ❤️ to do, and build it into your routine.

As your coach I can help you plan it out to make it successful and fit into YOUR LIFE taking your IBS into consideration.  It is possible and you will feel better.

Share your challenges in moving with IBS under CONTACT ME.

To start your plan connect with me go to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL to schedule your free call ☎️. Let’s get you moving.



#professional #holistic #wellness #gutwellnesscoach #mindfulness#thischixksibsjourney #ibsmedication#guthealthsupport #selfcare #gutcare #foodinolterances #glutenfree #calm

 #sleep #leakygut #holistichealing 

#mindset #meditation #thischicksibsjourney

#monashfodmap #dairyfree #guthealth #gutbrainconnection #hormonalhealth #move


What I would NOT Do regularly to manage my IBS!


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