Tumeric or Omeprazole

IBS comes with many symptoms that are uncomfortable, painful and embarrassing. Acid reflux is one that can be very uncomfortable and painful. The solution to managing with IBS can be multi fold- watching foods that trigger the acid reflux, taking something for it, like over the counter antacids or prescription level medications that reduce the amount of acid produced.

Often people say to me, “I want a natural alternative” in managing my gut health.

What I find challenging is the evidence in what to recommend. I look for information that shows proven amounts of a substance that achieve the result. For example, milligrams of substance to relieve your acid reflux. Recently a study was published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. That compared Tumeric against Omeprazole in 260 people with Functional Dyspepsia. The symptoms of functional dyspepsia are : feeling full or bloated, pain or burning from acid in stomach or esophagus.

Omeprazole commonly known as Losec is one of the leading prescribed PPIs (proton pump inhibitor) used to lower stomach acid and provide relief for ulcers and gastroesophageal acid reflux (GERD) known as acid reflux. Some long term side effects of PPIs are increased fracture risk, micronutrient deficiencies and increase in infection.

Tumeric comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant with the active ingredient being curcumin. It has been thought that curcumin has anti-inflammatory and anti microbial properties. Curcumin is used in Southeast Asia for treatment of indigestion. This study showed that the two were comparable in reducing the symptoms. Omeprazole 20mg daily compared to Tumeric 250mg four times daily. This small study lasting for 28 days showed that the omeprazole and turmeric were comparable in the doses studied in improving the symptoms of dyspepsia. In the arm of the study that combined the two (Losce + Tumeric) there was no increase in improvement .

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