Eating Gelato with Dairy Intolerance and IBS?

Many times people have commented:  YOU are so Deprived!

Why? Because I have food intolerances, to gluten and dairy.


The myth is that I am not able to enjoy treats.

On top of food intolerances, I also have IBS which with ingesting food that I am intolerant to will send my IBS into overdrive.. the pain, bloating, discomfort, tiredness, frustration.


Knowing which if any foods may be a trigger was the starting point in knowing what I can eat.


How did I now know that I have dairy intolerance? My IBS-C was so bad, extremely bloated, and scared. I stopped eating as I did not understand what was making my IBS-C worse. Frightened by food, anxious.


How did I get there?


Review of foods that I eat and relationship to IBS flare ups

Once identified, remove the foods and eat gut healing foods

Use food guide of what you cannot eat to plan meals


So did the dairy intolerance disappear? NO.

I have learned how to look at foods with more scrutiny.

My gelato is 100% dairy free as it is Fruit based.


Not a big dessert person but I do love a treat from time to time. When frequenting gelato vendors, I always ask about dairy free options. Nut based milk is fine, so I do indulge in coconut milk ice cream.


I have cut back my sugar intake significantly which is inflammatory and not supportive of good gut health. But hey I am human do enjoy a treat once in a while, as long as my gut is strong.


So being deprived of treats is an absolute myth when it comes to not being able to indulge from time to time. Living life Positively with IBS.


Do you want to enjoy treats comfortably and confidently and need help identifying and support to get you there? Go to link above and schedule your free 30 min call to start your journey.


#ibs #ibsawareness #foodintolerances #bloating #pain #guthealth #ibscoach

#happygut #healthygut #gelato


Tumeric or Omeprazole


Nuts and IBS Flare Up?