Dining out with your IBS friend/family

Ahhh it is Saturday! Looking forward to getting together with friends or family! 

Oh, but you have someone in the group who has IBS, is gluten AND intolerant! 
How does that make you feel in inviting them out? 
Uncomfortable? Not sure about which type of restaurant to pick? Not sure if they will enjoy themselves? The thought just stresses YOU out? 

Let’s re focus here as to what is the most important part. Connecting with your friend or family member, right?! Just connecting, Shari g, cat hung up and exchanging some laughs. Right! 
Dining out does not have to make you uncomfortable, it is easy. 

Tips on making it comfortable:

Ask your friend if they have any preferences in restaurants? 

If not…
Pick a restaurant that offers variety of foods - grilled, baked, roasted type of foods . 

Has gluten free/dairy free options (optional menus not always listed on website)

Most restaurants are understanding and will do modifications 

Gluten free pasta option is usually available 

The key is enjoying time together! Trust me, your friend/family member will be overjoyed to be included! 

One caveate, if their IBS is flare f up and maybe they don’t have a good handle on things, they may not be comfortable in joining you this weekend. Be supportive and ask to re book. 

if you think they need help or more support pass on my info… happy to help your friend or family member manage their IBS so they can do I more on dinner dates then their bathroom visits, abdominal pain and discomfort. 

#ibs #ibsdiet #ibsfriendly #ibscoach#saturdaynight #healthygut #happygut#joyofeating #glutenfree #dairyfree


Move from fear of eating to joy with IBS


Tumeric or Omeprazole