The 5 F’s

What is this referring to ? How does it relate to a healthy IBS gut??

My 5 F’s refer to Family/Friends/Food/Fun/Fashion. What does that have to do with IBS? Everything!

When my IBS is settled down and my gut is working as it should be then life is great!

It starts with food! Having an appetite, enjoy eating, and no worry about the food irritating my gut causing me to be in pain and running to the bathroom. Getting to this point was a journey that helped me identify my foods . Being aware of the irritants makes such a difference. The difference is seen in settled gut, in enjoying food and having an appetite. A general wellbeing takes over.

Friends/Family is the comfort I feel in socializing and attending events. When your gut is functioning regularly it takes a lot of stress in attending events. When there is knowledge of the foods that work for you then it is easy to maneuver through the dishes and menu. Including confidently and comfortably sharing with your host dietary needs. That confidence feels so great!

Fun ! Easy to enjoy and not worry about your gut when everything is flowing as it should! Easy to focus on activities you enjoy and get back into life. Right?!

Fashion! Ok who does not like to dress to look their best? Who does not like to feel comfortable in their clothes? I know I do. But when IBS is flaring up I look like I am six months pregnant. Feel terribly self conscious and uncomfortable. At times like that I do not enjoy dressing, and do not feel my best.

Being able to enjoy life, means taking care of my IBS. To be #incharge of my life starts with being #incharge of my IBS.


Are you helping your gut to heal with a good restful night’s sleep?


Dreading the Weekend?