Are you helping your gut to heal with a good restful night’s sleep?

Getting to sleep and staying asleep. Easy?  2021 statistics who that 43% of men and 55% of women between the ages of 18-64 have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep. 

Sleep is an important time for your body to regenerate and heal. It impacts your #IBS more than you realize.  It impacts mental health and many other aspects of our overall wellbeing.  We see it when we do get that great night’s sleep.

How wonderful you feel !!

I myself am one of those people who has had trouble falling asleep.  For years it was a problem, and of course the next day do not feel good, am not my best.

This has changed.. yes believe it or not.  It took some time to get to this point and a lot of changes.  Now I fall asleep and stay asleep … it feels so great! Who would not want to be energetic, quick thinking and improved bowel movements.  There are a lot of functions that happen in the gut over night, and a good sleep promotes these.

 Key for me is practicing good sleep hygiene:

-       Not eating late in the evening allowing my body to digest food well ahead of going to bed.

-       Being consistent in bedtime. Actually I need to settle in and head to bed a bit earlier as I don’t fall asleep instantly.

-       Exercise in the morning.

-       No napping

-       Darken the room with black out blinds. In addition I use an eye mask. My go to is the @re.vittyl sleep mask.

-       Use lavender oils for soothing calming

-       Room temperature is a bit on the cooler side

-       Have warm covers to keep me cozy, and comfortable bed

-       Room is quiet

-       Lighting is dimmer in the evening to start relaxing

-       Setting boundaries on electronics, shut down at least an hour prior to going to sleep.

-       Silence the phone to maintain a good sleep

-       Only caffeine is first thing in the morning. Being mindful of stimulants in the afternoon.

-       Alcohol paradoxically can be stimulating

-       Not a smoker, so no problem but that might be something that needs changing for some people.

-       Practice relaxation through deep breathing, mindset management

-       Journaling clams me down

Sleep aids, like over the counter sleeping pills, or prescription??  I generally do not use anything. Main reason is I am very sensitive to the sedating effects of these medications.  Not only do they help me fall asleep, stay asleep but make me groggy the next day for several hours.  It is a thing called ‘hang over’ effect of these products.  The over the counter sleep-aid products contain the same ingredient as Gravol®. It is sedating but it can cause confusion, blurred vision, bladder control amongst some.  Some products also have acetaminophen. Which if you do not have pain do not need.  The prescription medications like, lorazepam, clonazepam and alprazolam can be effective for sleep but also can be habit forming.  Sometimes doctors may prescribe less habit forming medications like trazodone.  You still have to be cautious when taking these of experiencing the next day ‘hangover’ effect.  Melantoin is a natural product which comes in various strengths, and is available without a prescription.   Cannabis products in edibles are commonly used as well.

In my opinion as a health care professional, if you are sleep deprived, and need something then short term use may be beneficial.  Understand how the product you choose affects you. 

If you suffer from depression or severe anxiety then professional help is needed.

Practice healthy living during the daytime adopting good sleep practices for the most effective sleep.  Knowing the checklist on getting there is one part but making it happen is the key.  Often the most difficult part.  Once you do establish a good sleep routine, your gut will thank you. If you need help in getting there, contact me.


Celebrate end of week with relaxation


The 5 F’s