Overcoming Fear of Eating with IBS

Eating for people with IBS Is a terrifying thought! 

Right !! You know it!

I totally get it! But surprisingly am eating and feeding myself without thinking too hard, without fear of what might happen… 

Getting there took steps:

Learning about my triggers

Finding foods that agree with me 

Finding foods I really enjoy eating

Figuring it out on my schedule 

Mindset- deciding I need to feed myself

Planning out meals 

Now it has become a habit where I don’t think too hard, it is routine.

Going from feeling sick, feeling fearful to feeling great is an example of change in habits. Taking steps then built on those steps to add exercise, and stress management. It was a watershed of moving in the right direction towards living life positively with IBS! 

You too can do it! I believe in you. Let’s connect to start the conversation and get you on your path…  go to BOOK DISCOVERY CALL BUTTON to schedule your free call 📱! 

#ibs #ibscoach #lunch #eating #bloat #constipation #diarrhea #healthygut #happygut #ibslife #feelinggreat


3 Ingredient IBS Friendly Snack


Preventing an IBS Flare Up