Preventing an IBS Flare Up

This morning I woke up not feeling well emotional, feeling down. 


As I drive to early morning appointment, started thinking about this state. No reason for me not to feel positive.

Kept diving further and realized my gut was telling me something. 

Ok why am I feeling off and my gut? I know my triggers- gluten, dairy, high amounts of high FODMAP foods, stress. Ok eating has been good, stress -none! 

So what happened? 🤔 

Ok I did something bad, I ate too much for dinner the day before, microbiome was not liking this!

I was really hungry though,  was responding to my body’s need to feed. Lunch was not substantial enough so ate too much at dinner. Meal was not actually late fortunately. 

Taking a deep dive in understanding the cause of this mood actually helped. I was relaxed. 

My plan for the day was thrown off a bit but I chose to settle down the tummy and simply relax. Taking time for the moment, honouring what was happening and keeping it from getting worse.

Recognized the gut was speaking with the brain. Not a good conversation. 

Once upon a time there was a lot of anxiety over this scenario- anxious about not feeling good, anxious about what caused it, anxious about it throwing my day off schedule! Lots of anxious. 

So instead of taking time out, I powered through, and felt much worse next day, day after day-yup in full IBS flare up! 

Being able to be present in the moment, being able to stay calm did not happen overnight. 

It took time to uncover triggers and develop my approach. To just mentally stop and focus on what was happening. Also developed my IBS flare up kit. 

Are you looking to live more positively with your IBS, prevent from being sick and stop flare ups? Simply go to DISCOVERY BUTTON and schedule your free 30 min call! 

#ibs #ibsawareness #ibscoach #ibslife #healthygut #bloat #thischickibsjourney


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