Move from fear of eating to joy with IBS

After sometime being diagnosed with IBS then discovering I had food intolerances, gluten then dairy - cow’s milk , I was not sure of what to eat.

Part of that was my busy on the go life. It seems that I came up with a barrier on eating and redo g myself properly. I can’t possibly eat while leading a busy life because the foods I need to take need a microwave, not practical for my on the go life.

So I starved for fear of eating wrong foods. Or I would pick up French fries and water as a way of satisfying my hunger. In my mind it was sort of ok as there was no gluten (not direct) nor dairy.

NOT great eating choices or habits. Then I started to feel sick and worse. Finally looked at what I can take that was healthy for me..

Gluten free wraps filled with protein and vegetables, carrott sticks,  fruit slices. 

It was about steps to get there and little by little I moved away from fear of eating to love of eating. My curiosity increased and I am more open to different foods. The variety of gluten free product on the market also improved. I even eat plant based yogurt 

I am taking my experience , healthcare background and knowledge to help you get on the right track of healing your gut and managing your IBS. 

You can connect by going to contact and scheduling your free call to start your journey to managing your IBS and improving your gut health.

#ibs #insawareness #ibscoach #guthealth #healthygut #ibsjourneytogether #thisibschicksjourney #fearoffood #eat #diarrhea #constipation


Managing IBS Through Mindfulness


Dining out with your IBS friend/family