Jet Lag = Gut Lag

Travelling is here!! Yay! Be it pleasure or business we are hitting the airways again!

Flying across time zones large or small it is going to affect your bowels.
Our bodies are on a certain time clock (circadian rhythm) which is affected by change in time zones.
We all know what it means for those long haul flights and even shorter ones to different time zones.
Your gut is definitely affected by this change. Eh gads and if you have IBS! Even more so…
So what to do? Ease your system into your new time zone:
❇️ Alter sleep time starting a week ahead of departure. If travelling East, start by an hour each night earlier and wake up earlier. If travelling west then adjust by an hour later, sleep and wake up. This really works but may not always be doable based on your life. Try adjusting as much as you can.
❇️Eat before boarding plane, in good time to digest food and not to feel hungry. Key is avoiding over eating on the plane and feeling uncomfortable.
❇️Hydrate! Plane cabins are generally very dry, hydrating keeping gut happy.
❇️if it is an evening flight East, arriving in morning then get some sleep to get into your new time zone. Ease your system into the time zone. Melatonin is a good natural aid for sleeping IF NEEDED. Important to take 1-3 mg , a light dose to prevent from next sedation.
❇️Exercise, or keep moving when you arrive. This helps move the body and gut in a good way, improves circulation and freshens you up. I actually did this when arriving in Paris. Yes night flight, actually did not sleep well, but did not go to sleep at hotel. Too excited to see the sights. Walked about and had a good night sleep.
❇️Get on current time zone sleep schedule that will help immensely.
❇️Eat but don’t over eat to ease your gut rhythm. Bring along #Align and #Metamucil.
❇️if you have prescription medications, organize with your pharmacy about three weeks before, not three hours before departing to airport. Prevents stress of getting medications on time.

Happy Travels! ✈️✈️✈️✈️


It takes a variety of things to maintain a healthy gut . To ensure my microbiome is balanced, I take align probiotic gummies! I have discovered that I need this supplement and the gummies seem to work best (and taste pretty good!)

A balanced microbiome is crucial to making your gut feel great!

The other key ingredient is fiber, another add to my gut tools. Need lots of fiber! This is in addition to dietary intake. Metamucil works! My preference is the capsules, easier to carry and package especially when travelling. Metamucil expands when mixed with water and if you do not drink enough water it can constipate! SUPER IMPORTANT to drink water after ingesting. This holds if you use powder and drink in fluids.

Travel can be challenging on the body system but these two help to keep my gut in check!!


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