A Healthy Brain is a Creative Brain

The down time on vacation certainly gave me a calm brain, calm gut and a creative brain.
I love to create meals, and create from scratch , combining favourite foods into complex salads. Still on the wave of a wonderful vacation created this tropical inspired salad.
❇️red leaf lettuce
❇️chicken pattie
❇️green onions
❇️orange slices
❇️small amount of goat feta
❇️slivered red pepper
❇️slivered green pepper
❇️toasted almonds
❇️plantain chips
❇️balsamic vinaigrette with lime juice n dill

There a strong positive emotional element in creation and preparation process. Very relaxing and in the end satisfying, taking time to eat, and enjoy the flavours. Palatability is super important to me. Nutritional and gut friendly rate high.

This salad can be made with other proteins, eggs, grilled chicken or salmon or steak. To me adding protein is important to building and sustain my muscles to aiding my immune system. As you can see it is low carbohydrate. That is intentional for this meal but does not need to be left out.
It can be prepped ahead, each ingredient stores in separate containers and taken to the office for a very satisfying and powerful meal.

Emotional well-being coupled with nutritional wellness. #bottomline #happyhealthyguthappyhealthyyou


Your gut and microbes….


Jet Lag = Gut Lag