De-Stress with Nature to Heal your Gut

We know that our gut is connected to our brain via the vagus nerve and through neurotransmitters. A super highway of communication is taking place constantly between the gut and brain.

When we are feeling stressed out then that impacts your gut and how you react. Particularly if you have irritable bowel syndrome. (IBS). It is seen as flare up of your IBS, increased visits to bathroom and urgency with IBS-D or decreased bowel movements with IBS-C for example. On the level of what you are experiencing it is quite notable and once again throws your life for a loop. Adding to the anxiety you may be feeling from other sources. Yes a vicious cycle starts.

Numerous studies have shown how nature can improve mood and health conditions. Although a commonly held view over generations to get outside and get some fresh was good for you, studies have actually shown that indeed there are health benefits. Being out in nature for ONLY 2 hours a week has shown psychological improvement. Being in nature has been shown to lower anxiety, improving immune system, muscle tone and increase happiness.

We all live in different environments, and access to green space can vary depending where you live. Most large cities do have parks where one can go for a walk, or boardwalks in areas surrounded by water. Increasing plants in your living space, and planting can have a positive impact. Getting out in nature does not mean a hard core hiking trek unless that is your preference. Remember only 120 min or 2 hours per week can have positive effects.

As we head into the end of this year, often stress comes upon us through completing projects at work, balancing home and family, commitments and the list goes on..

Why not help your IBS by stepping out into nature. Take a nature break during lunch break for 20 min, leave the smart phone at your desk or at home. Just totally immerse with nature, the fresh air, greenery. During your walk place your attention on your surroundings and notice the stress dissipate. remember taking time for self is not selfish, it is wellness.


Happy Holidays with IBS


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