Workshop Announcement

Come join me on December 3, 2022 at Baka Gallery Cafe to be part of a fun and informative workshop on how to enjoy this year’s holidays with your IBS!!

The holidays often bring a lot of stress, least of all if you have IBS. There is a way to manage your gut and participate in the festive season.

During this workshop I will focus on three different areas, provide tips and strategies to help you through the corporate parties, and family celebrations.

Food will be provided, with focus on gut friendly options to make it more enjoyable.

Bring a friend and join me at Baka Gallery Cafe located at 2256 Bloor St W on December 3rd at 3pm.

You can rsvp at by November 27th.

The fee of $55/person is to cover food and will be waived when you sign up for in-depth one on one coaching program.

Cheers! See you December 3rd!


De-Stress with Nature to Heal your Gut


Self Care = Gut Care