The Travel Food Edit

Travel is a great way to refresh, reconnect with one self and loved ones. Tavel with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) on top of food sensitivities can bring on feelings of anxiety and apprehension.

My trip to Croatia this summer is one of those long haul, where I will not be in charge of food. With a six hour time difference the possibility of my well managed IBS to be aggravated. Then there is the whole food issue…

Aggravation of IBS could mean some or all of the following.. bloating, discomfort, pain which often impacts my whole body, tiredness, lack of appetite, low energy from lack of eating and sleeping. If this occurs then i will be MIA in room trying to recover. Not how I would like to spend a LONG awaited vacation, a vacation to a place where I started my young life. A vacation where I want to explore, learn and enjoy.

It has taken a number of years to develop my eating routine and identify foods that work with my gut. It started with lactose intolerance, then it was gluten and cow protein sensitivity. Once those were identified and I was able to organize my diet accordingly then it was FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols). Foods that are difficult to digest particularly for people with IBS and cause a lot discomfort through production of gas. I went through a process of identifying, eliminating then re introducing in quantities that were tolerated. Now before my trip was feeling good as I sourced and cooked my food. Even bringing food to work. My appetite was good, energy great.

This trip was originally planned over two years ago, so it was highly anticipated. First part of the trip was aboard a ship with Sail Croatia, all breakfasts, lunches and two dinners were prepared on the ship. Remainder of the meals we had the opportunity to eat at local restaurants on the islands we visited.

Second part was a road trip that took us to northern parts of Croatia with stays in Karlovac ending in the capital city of Zagreb. Threw caution to the wind and put my wellbeing in the hands of others when it came to my gut health.

In preparation for our journey we communicated to Sail Croatia my food sensitivities to ensure that the chef was aware.

Week one aboard the ship Kraljica Jelena we had a buffet style breakfast with a variety of hot and cold foods. Great fresh fruit was available and much to my surprise even gluten free bread! I was the only gluten intolerant passenger.

The breakfasts were easy to maneuver and satisfied my needs. Lunches were served starting with an appetizer, main course and dessert. All my food needs were accommodated for this portion. Quite amazing. We had a dinner on board which was the Captain’s Dinner, and all the food perfectly fine. Even the chocolate cake for dessert. Not only did the food meet my needs it was gourmet and totally delicious. The one meal on the island of Korcula was at the restaurant Belin a family run restaurant known for great handmade pasta. I was curious as to what eating was going to look like there. Along with salads, people were served what I was told the delicious pasta with a stew. Me, I got Peka. A traditional dish that contains meat and potatoes slow cooked on coals. NO GLUTEN NO DAIRY, total delicious. Thanks to our director of activities Ivan. How easy and seamless everything was on the ship and comfortable.

Eating out in restaurants in the cities of Dubrovnik and Split was easy as well. Lots of grilled fish, grilled vegetables with olive oil. On the island of Hvar I had the opportunity to enjoy a nice hard cheese from the island of Pag known as Paški sir. Key for me it is made from sheep’s milk, so I can eat it. On the island of Vis enjoyed a fantastic fish soup with rice vs noodles.

Overall the dining experience was totally positive in meeting my dietary needs, everyone was exceptionally kind and understanding. So far no worsening of my IBS.

Part two of the trip was road trip to Northern part of Croatia, with rolling hills and a lot of greenery. The food is different in this part, more pastry and cooking with butter. That made me more cautious. As I do in Canada I reviewed the menus, and asked questions sharing my food sensitivities with waiter in Karlovac and Zagreb.

Our first hotel was the Korana a historical hotel located on a river in a park setting. Very comfortable, good food with a breakfast buffet to make my own selections. The menu for other meals was quite extensive, and our server was helpful in ensuring the food was made to my needs.

In Zagreb we stayed at the historic hotel Esplanade for a few days. Very comfortable, with two restaurants. The Bistro which is more casual and Zinfandel’s which is the formal. We opted for the breakfast served in Zinfandel’s, our choice was either the buffet or breakfast menu. Once again for me it was the buffet which was extensive and well labeled. On our first night we dined at the Bistro, just felt like a light supper. After enquiring about ‘gluten-free’ options on the menu the server automatically brought out gluten free bread! It was a WOW in customer service for me. It made me feel included, and respected as to my dietary needs. Then on I requested gluten free bread for breakfast. It was tasty, loved it. Powered me up for all the walking later in each day in Zagreb.

When dining in other restaurants in Zagreb, I used the same approach in scrutinizing the menu which is in all places in several languages including English. Asked questions of the servers and made sure all went well.

The finale of our dining experience was at Zinfandel’s at Hotel Esplanade. It was an amazing array of flavours, textures and customer service. The maitre d made me feel at home, and ensured that the foods I ate were gut friendly. From the amuse bouche to the dessert, dishes in some cases were specially made. Another WOW in my books. Thanks to Head Chef Ana Grgić Tomić and her staff for making my dining experience totally unforgettable.

In the end my trip was memorable in a very positive way as my IBS was not aggravated, food healthy, natural, tasty and easy to find in restaurants. All servers in restaurants were simply supportive and kind in meeting my needs.

My favourite dessert was a plenty, gelato! Lots of fruit flavoured options everywhere. In Croatia it is specifically referred to as Sorbet vs the dairy versions of gelato.

If you do plan on cooking, fresh options in markets are easily accessible. Checked out a chain grocery store which can be found in a lot of locations, Konzum. They do carry gluten free products. This makes it easy to pick up food and/or snacks to keep you fed.

In the end my trip will be memorable, not for having bad bouts of IBS but for the sights, adventures, experiences, the people and awesome cuisine!


Dreading the Weekend?


Planes, Ships, Cars-Long Haul Travel with IBS