The Human Connection and Gut Wellness

Our gut is an amazing organ. It is the window to our total health first by feeding our bodies the nutrients we need through digestion of these foods.

The gut is also home to trillions of microbes that impact our immune system, weight, sugar level regulation, mood and your IBS.

We need good microbes to do all these functions, but when we do not eat foods that are supportive OR ingest things that are toxic then we create an imbalance of our microbes. This imbalance is less of the good microbes and more of the bad which can lead to disease.

Food, stress, lack of sleep and movement all play big roles in maintaining this balance. But did you know that so does connecting with people? Happy human connections have been shown to impact the balance of your microbes producing microbes that are supportive of your health.

As you enjoy your summer outings, get togethers and connect with friends you are also affecting. your gut wellness! WOW.

If your IBS is still in flare up and find it hard to get out and connect with friends, connect with me for a free consult to discuss how we can work together to help you get on track to that human connection! Go to CONTACT ME..


Nuts and IBS Flare Up?


Gut healthy, Gut Happy Summer