Gut healthy, Gut Happy Summer

Yes finally summer, summer vacation, ability to get away travel, to stay close to home and connect with friends or a combination of all.  Go on adventures, new experiences so many possibilities of things to do and enjoy.  It can be tricky with IBS as you know.  We are all in different stages of our IBS no doubt. Newly diagnosed and still trying to figure it out, dealing with IBS for while and experiencing cycles of flare ups and remissions, and if you are like me, got it figured out and doing great, happy gut, happy life.


It is POSSIBLE to enjoy summer outings or trips.  Whatever your preference for travel, and activity you CAN DO IT with IBS.  It takes some planning and organization to ensure a happy gut.  Remember to balance the activities that support your gut: FOOD, MOVE, MINDSET, REST/SLEEP.


Food intolerances/sensitivities are known in people with IBS.  Eating foods that support your gut is key in enjoying your plans.  Bring your gut supportive foods, research the grocery stores, markets, restaurants on your trip.  Being organized helps to KEEP the ANXIETY down that can aggravate your IBS. 


A few tips, and considerations in making sure that you have a great gut happy summer.


Car trips:

-Food sensitivities/intolerances- PACK YOUR gut friendly foods

-AVOID food poisoning by keeping fresh foods like meat, eggs, seafood, veggies/fruit all COLD

-List of your gut friendly restaurants while on the road

-Stay hydrated, water, fruit are great options

- Take drive rests and go for a walk stretch the legs and MOVE

-Eat regularly and chew foods slowly to avoid trapped gas

-Be comfortable

-Rest breaks just to regenerate

-Reminder to meditate, breathe and re connect with yourself

-Sleep- don’t forget the sleep mask, calming oils, mine is Lavendar!


Plane/Long Haul trips

-Heading to destination with time difference- prepare for time change by shifting sleep/wake schedule and eating times to ease your body for the transition

-Bring along your gut healthy essentials- probiotic, fiber supplement, supplements and any medications you may need.  PACK in CARRY ON.

-Research ahead where to buy your foods. Do find that in the world now there are so many great options and easy access to gluten free/dairy free options. Food sensitivities are so well respected at large.

-Hydrate! Water, water….  Fruit high in water like watermelons… are great also great for hydration.

-Move- keep it moving! Probably not hard when travelling to new places you are discovering.

-Rest – remember to take a break and simply relax, pace your days to keep them balanced.

-Just meditate, journal, breathe and RE CHARGE with some down time

-Going to different countries, research the public bathroom set up. It is different, don’t get caught in embarrassing situation.

-Sleep- get your zzzs in comfortable surroundings



Why not?! Maybe you don’t have a handle on your IBS and a big travel trip is a bit daunting, Staycation not a bad thing.  Day trips to explore local spots, check out one of many festivals, theatre, hanging at home finally reading that book on the shelf, relaxing, connecting with friends, connecting with yourself. Giving your body some rest, allowing it to regenerate.  Yet still enjoying the summer at YOUR PACE.


Needing a little help in getting organized? Need support to alleviate your anxiety for travel? What is an emergency kit? Connect for a free consult to guide you on your summer fun uninterrupted.


Schedule your call 30 min call with me..


The Human Connection and Gut Wellness
