Eating out, Dining in, Inviting someone with gut health issues

Summer is in full swing and Summer 2022 so far has proven to be amazing. We are visiting with friends, family, dining out, travelling. Life is on track again and it feels great! Right?


Well one area where a lot of hidden discomfort occurs is in inviting people who have #IBS and/or food intolerances/sensitivities/allergies.  How do I manage my meal organization for someone like that?  The anxiety and discomfort is a two way street, the person with the gut health issues also is anxious about accepting an invite to dine out. Not sure what it is going to look like, how to maneuver the dishes, how to not appear impolite to your host’s efforts and spread? Do I need to eat BEFORE I go to make sure I am not hungry?


Here is a thought, share with your host/hostess your food preferences.  So some people think this is rude, NO it is not.  So I had a situation where we were invited to a large dinner party. The gluten/dairy sensitivities that I have were not shared. At one point in the meal, pasta was served, and I declined. Happened to be seated across from the hostess, with whom I shared my food issues. She was absolutely horrified that my preferences were not included in the meal planning, and I felt so uncomfortable. The matter was remedied quite quickly, where the restaurant kitchen served up some gluten free pasta. But it is a great example of how NOT sharing with hosts leads to what exactly one might want to avoid.


As someone hosting dinner parties I always ask!  Ask about allergies/intolerances/sensitivities to food as well as preferences. We also have people who are vegan. 


Recently when arranging a date/time with a friend for dinner at their place. My guidance on my eating was: no gluten/no dairy, I do eat meat/fish and veggies. For me it is good to keep it simple. BUT I ask not to cater the whole meal prep but it made at home or catered in around my food preferences.  When I cook, I have bread and dairy as not everyone at the table has my food issues.

Dessert can be the trickiest, often has flour and/or dairy.  Maybe offer to bring a dish for dessert that you can eat and your friends will enjoy.  Fruit is also a simple dessert option. I am not a great dessert person, so am quite happy NOT to eat dessert.

When preparing to meet friends at a restaurant, I check the menu for options or call to see how accommodating they may be with my food needs. Most times I find that they are accommodating!  Even when travelling, most places are aware of the food issues, and the havoc they cause in people’s lives.  A few years back while in Zagreb, I asked my waiter to substitute a pasta side with non pasta. Explained my gluten sensitivity. He was so amazing! Understanding, and empathetic as his daughter is also gluten sensitive.  He recommended polenta which is 100% corn and just fine. It was a wonderful meal.

Life with food allergies/sensitivities/intolerances has really become so much nicer.  Being open and transparent about your condition helps a lot. Educates people as well.   Bon Appetit!


It is not JUST LUNCH…. it is GUT HEALTH


Your gut and microbes….