The month of April is dedicated to increasing awareness of Irritable Bowel Syndrome which affects the lives of many persons. Throughout this month I will be sharing more information on this condition on Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook.

Let’s start with some stats, credit to CDHF:
-Canada has the highest prevalence of people with #IBS (irritable bowel syndrome
-Estimated 18% of Canadians vs 11% people Globally
-Affects more women than men 2:1 
-70%+ people state that symptoms interfere with their everyday life
-46% miss work or school
-54% of people with IBS report fatigue
-40%-60% experience psychological symptoms -anxiety/depress

On average, IBS patients reported they would give up 25% of their remaining life (15 years) to live a symptom-free life. 
On average, it takes 4 years for an individual to receive a definitive diagnosis of IBS. 

Increase your awareness for your self, loved ones and colleagues by checking in with me and learning about IBS, what is it, what are the symptoms, what affects it and how it can be managed.


Yummy IBS friendly Gluten-free Oatmeal bites


March break Traveller’s Diarrhea and IBS flare up-Prevention