How I went from Surviving with IBS to Thriving

There was a time when life was simply surviving! It meant that I was going from day to day with all activities, personal and work. Feeling tired and dragged down, my IBS was definitely running the show.

My surviving was how life was lived with IBS being active, pain, constipation/alternating with diarrhea at one time and constipation at other times. Simply feeling drained, not able to exercise consistently, sleep was also a struggle. Eating not good due to poor appetite. Then there was the uncertainty of foods and how they affect me. Just a horrible vicious circle.

It was hard to make plans or stick to social plans like family funcitons. Had to abstain as I was not feeling well. A lot of times it felt like I had the stomach flu!

And now.. life is completely different!

IBS is not running my life, I am running it… in fact I am actually running on my treadmill at least 5 times a week! Believe it or not! Along with no to minimal flare ups, which are managed quickly, great appetite, good energy, calm, and great sleep. No fear of food, nor cancelling out on functions. A complete change.

How did that happen you may ask? Hard to believe?

Simply started with one step at a time. For me had to zone in on the food. Discovered that I had food intolerances, gluten and dairy. Then the menu planning, shortly afterwards it was diving into FODMAPs. Then I figured out my foods and what I can eat. Once eating was under control it was easier to exercise. Exercising regularly helped improve bowel movements for this predominantly IBS-C person, increased muscle tone, improved energy, strength and helped with stress management. Stress was one trigger for flare ups I noticed so I practiced mindset, reviewed all my stresses. Decided which things I can change so I did and for those I could not simply accepted. It was a weight off my shoulders. Less reaction to situations and more working with solutions. Long walks in nature, short deep breathing exercises to calm the mind and journaling also helped. Then there was sleep. Probably like most people sleep was not great. I needed to make some adjustments to improve my sleep. Like stopping computer/phone activity at 8 pm, ensuring that bedroom temperature was cool, sleep mask and lavendar oil are my addition sleep aids. No pills to aid sleep for me but natural sleep. WOW feel so great in AM!

Yes that is why in summary why life feels good… there are many more details to this journey but I can attest that it works. It feels good.

What about you? Do you want to have more energy? Sleep better? Enjoy food again? Spend less time worrying about your gut and more time making plans? Simply book a a free call with me to chat and we can go from there.




Yummy IBS friendly Gluten-free Oatmeal bites