Signature IBS Program

Gut Wellness by Marica

Learn to Thrive with IBS in 90 days



Learn the Joy of Food.

This pillar supports with a focus on foods. Discover the foods that irritate and foods that nourish to support you in your day to day busy life. Re energize, remove distress, feel better and look great! Be the Boss of your gut. 



Move to Groove

Exercise is vital to blood flow in bringing nutrients to your body, flushing toxins, strengthening muscles  and re energizing.  Get back on track with movements to regulate your gut flow. 


Get your zzzz’s to restore, energize your gut

We need our downtime, especially our gut to rebuild, relax and strengthen.  Re energize, restore during the night with restful sleep.  


Programs available

One on One Coaching

Group Sessions - max 10 people per group

Guts@Work -Employer support- education and tips on supporting team gut health for happier healthier teams.

Manage your Mind

Boss of your inner domain with calm mind, calm gut

The gut and mind have a strong connection keeping calm helps to keep your gut calm. The path to calm is to tease out the stressors in your day, and creating solutions on how to manage.  


Ready to start your IBS healing journey?


1-on-1 Coaching