90 Day Program to Sustainable Gut Health

90 Day Program to Sustainable Gut Health

I have lived with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for majority of my life, lead a life that was quite dynamic at times. Made career changes, A type personality and achieved levels in my career that I would not have imagined.

However, flare ups of my IBS, overall issues with IBS-C at times IBS-M did impact my life plans and quality of time. My energy, my mood, my participation in life events.

Over time I learned some aspects of the causes but not total picture. For example severe abdominal discomfort being caused by gluten intolerance then dairy protein. It really was uncomfortable!! To say the least.

At this point I am doing great! Better energy, continue to participate in life’s activities on may levels, happier overall.

My focus was on the foundation of what supports my gut health: food, exercise or movement, mind set for stress management and sleep. They all impact the gut in different ways. With food it was understanding how it impacts my IBS and which foods, which foods support it. It was also eating regularly, something that I was notorious for doing is skipping meals. Hydrating is part of that picture to keep my cells in my body functioning. Meal planning for those very busy days to maintain my nutritional support. There are so many facets of the food component !

Movement or exercise, for me was what and consistency on a busy schedule. Reducing stress, is so big but it started with little steps like breathing, journaling then lead to mindset changes with perspective. Learned to get my sleep through other adjustments.

I know all sides of IBS and it’s impact along with the road to moving from surviving to thriving. What I have learned is once you build a strong foundation, you can stick with it even when life gets off track a bit. It has been easy to reset quickly, and manage potential flare ups.

As a Health Wellness Coach for Gut Health with focus on IBS, I can help you move the dial as well. Perhaps you have tried it, but then fell off the path. That happens. I can help you :

Find your Foods - irritants and supportive, work on your meal planning , manage other areas of concerns when it comes to food, and develop a plan.

Get Moving - get you moving within your schedule, your life and all that comes with it..

Mindset - help you relax to keep the gut calm by introducing different techniques and supporting you in making them part of your daily rituals.

Sleep- clearing the path to a blissful sleep to be the best you the next day.

In addition as a pharmacist, I can provide guidance on any medications you are taking, or help you get off medications comfortably. An added bonus to the services offered.

As a health wellness coach I will be your guide to your new lasting transformation by asking questions to get to the core, providing helpful resources and tips to address your needs, steer you in the direction of your vision.

We are all individuals, our lives are unique so the program details are designed for you.

There is a whole year ahead why not make it better through taking control of your gut health!


March break Traveller’s Diarrhea and IBS flare up-Prevention


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